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Straffan Camogie Code of Behaviour

Straffan Camogie Club is proud to follow the Code of Behaviour as agreed jointly between the Camogie Association, the GAA and the LGFA.

Such is the importance of the child safeguarding and protection agenda in our work that each of the Gaelic Games Associations have brought together the collective best practices
based on many years of experience as we seek to provide a safe environment in which we can promote our games and enable young people and children to develop in a caring and respective environment. This Code applies to all persons under 18 yrs. of age who participate in our games or other activities and to those who work with them and assist them in any capacity on our behalf.


Our role and our responsibility is to ensure that they benefit from and participate in our Gaelic Games in a safe, enjoyable and developmental environment where our Games are conducted in a spirit of fair play with everyone who works on our behalf emphasising respect, equality, safety and non-discrimination in all aspects of our work with children and young people. Each member of our Associations has a responsibility to accept and implement this Code as it directs us in such work.

Our Club Contacts

Part of following this code of behaviour is making sure that all necessary officers are in place in our club and that all relevant guidelines are followed by all players, coaches, volunteers, officers and any member of our club.

Straffan Camogie Club Children’s Officer is:

Amar Hare

086 1721599

The club Children’s Officer is responsible for the compliance of the club in relation to vetting, safeguarding, and all other related requirements as set out in the Code of Behaviour. For more information on the role and responsibilities of the Children’s Officer please click here.

Straffan Camogie Club Designated Liaison Person(s) (DLP) are:
Kathleen Hussey (Primary DLP)

085 2727637

Eileen Flynn (Secondary DLP)

087 2851349

The club DLP is responsible for dealing with concerns relating to the possible abuse of children and for ensuring the reporting of allegations or concerns of abuse to Tusla and/or An Garda Síochána, having established reasonable grounds for concern. For more information on the role and responsibilities of the DLP please click here.

The Guidance for Dealing with and Reporting Allegations or Concerns of Abuse document details what a parent, coach, player or anyone involved in the club, should do if they are concerned about the welfare of a player or want to report an allegation of abuse. All issues of this nature can be reported to a coach, DLP, or any member of the executive committee in the first instance.

Players who wish to report any concerns that they have for themselves in relation to abuse or bullying should talk to an adult they trust. This should then be reported by the adult to the club DLP. 

The current policy and procedure for becoming a volunteer/coach, as agreed by Straffan Camogie Club executive, is available here.

Code Of Behaviour: Text
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